1. Scope
This code specifies the basic technical requirements in general plan transportation design for fossil fuel power plants.
This code is applicable to turbine generator unit capacity 125MW~600MW condensing fossil fuel power plants, as well as heat supply plant unit capacity 50MW or higher level thermal power plants. The code may also be used as reference for 600MW or higher level plant units.
This code is also applicable to designs for power plant construction or extension, and may be used as reference for reconstruction engineering design.
2. Normative References
The following documents contain contents which, through reference in this text, composite provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excepting corrigenda content) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. Parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to apply in the standard.
GB/T 146.2 Structure Gauge for Standard Gauge Railways
GB/T 1246 Railway Turn Out Number Series
GB 50028 Code for Design of City Gas Engineering
GB 50074 Code for Design of Oil Depot
GB 50091 Code for Designing Railway Station and Terminal
GB 50187 Code for Design of General Plan of Industrial Enterprises
GB 50192 Code for Design of River Port Engineering
GBJ 12 Code for Design of Standard Track Gauge Railway in Industrial Enterprises
GBJ 16 Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings
GBJ 22 Specifications for the Design of Factory and Mine Roads
GBJ 139 Standards for Inland River Navigation
GBJ 201 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Earthwork and Blasting Engineering
CJJ/T 59 Standard for Test Method of the Flexible Pavement Design Parameter
DL 5000 Technical Code for Designing Fossil Fuel Power Plants
DL/T 5174 Design Rule for Combined-cycle Power Plants
JTGD 40 Specifications of Cement Concrete Pavement Design for Highway
JTJ 211 Design Code of General Layout for Sea Ports
JTGB 01 Technical Standard of Highway Engineering
TB 10001 Code for Design on Subgrade of Railway
3. General Provisions
This code specifies the basic technical requirements in general plan transportation design for fossil fuel power plants.
This code is applicable to turbine generator unit capacity 125MW~600MW condensing fossil fuel power plants, as well as heat supply plant unit capacity 50MW or higher level thermal power plants. The code may also be used as reference for 600MW or higher level plant units.
This code is also applicable to designs for power plant construction or extension, and may be used as reference for reconstruction engineering design.
2. Normative References
The following documents contain contents which, through reference in this text, composite provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excepting corrigenda content) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. Parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to apply in the standard.
GB/T 146.2 Structure Gauge for Standard Gauge Railways
GB/T 1246 Railway Turn Out Number Series
GB 50028 Code for Design of City Gas Engineering
GB 50074 Code for Design of Oil Depot
GB 50091 Code for Designing Railway Station and Terminal
GB 50187 Code for Design of General Plan of Industrial Enterprises
GB 50192 Code for Design of River Port Engineering
GBJ 12 Code for Design of Standard Track Gauge Railway in Industrial Enterprises
GBJ 16 Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings
GBJ 22 Specifications for the Design of Factory and Mine Roads
GBJ 139 Standards for Inland River Navigation
GBJ 201 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Earthwork and Blasting Engineering
CJJ/T 59 Standard for Test Method of the Flexible Pavement Design Parameter
DL 5000 Technical Code for Designing Fossil Fuel Power Plants
DL/T 5174 Design Rule for Combined-cycle Power Plants
JTGD 40 Specifications of Cement Concrete Pavement Design for Highway
JTJ 211 Design Code of General Layout for Sea Ports
JTGB 01 Technical Standard of Highway Engineering
TB 10001 Code for Design on Subgrade of Railway
3. General Provisions