DLT 5182-2004 火力发电厂热工自动化就地设备安装、管路及电缆设计技术规定 英文版
1 Scope
The standard specifies the design requirements of on-site equipment installation, pipeline and/or cable of heat engineering automation of thermal power plant.
This standard is applicable to on-site equipment installation and design of pipeline and cables of newly built or extended condensing power plants whose unit capacity is 125MW - 600MW and HTHP (high-temperature and high pressure) CHP (combined heat and power) plants.
Design of the installation of the reconstruction projects of the aforesaid power plant units can refer to this standard.
Foreign-oriented projects shall consider the conditions and applicable standards of the country where the Supplier or Purchaser is located, and this standard also can be referred to.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain regulations, which, through reference in this text, constitute regulations of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions (excluding corrections) of, any of these publications do not apply. However, it is recommended parties reaching agreement according to this standard carry out a study on if the most updated version of these documents may be applied or not . For undated reference, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB /T 2624 Measurement of fluid flow by means of orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi pipes inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full (eqv ISO 5167/1-1991)
GB 3836 .1 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 1: General requirements (eqv IEC 60079 -0:1998)
GB 8624 -1997 Classification on burning behavior for building materials of China
GB /T 8625 Test method of difficult- flammability for building materials (eqv DIN 4102/1)
GB IT 12666.1 Test method on electric wires or cables under fire conditions - Part 1: General principles
GB /T 12666.3 Test method on electric wires or cables under fire conditions - Part 3: Test on a single horizontal insulated wires or cables under fire conditions
GB /P 12666.4 Test method on electric wires or cables under fire conditions - Part 4: Test on a single slanting insulated wires or cables under fire conditions
GB /T 12666.6 Test method on electric wires or cables under fire conditions - Part 6: Test on fire-resisting characteristics of wires and cables
GA 161 Performance requirements and test methods for fire-proof sealing materials
GA 181 General technical regulations for fire resistive coating of cable