GB/T 15456-2008 工业循环冷却水中化学需氧量(COD)的测定 高锰酸钾法(英文版)Industrial circulating cooling water—Determination of the chemical oxygen demand—Potassium permanganat
GB/T 15456-2008
工业循环冷却水中化学需氧量(COD)的测定 高锰酸钾法
Industrial circulating cooling water—Determination of the chemical oxygen demand—Potassium permanganate method
GB/T 15456-1995
ICS 71.040.40
ISO 8467:1993,NEQ
中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会
GB/T 14427-2008 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 铁的测定(英文版)Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system—Determination of iron
GB/T 14427-2008
锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 铁的测定
Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system—Determination of iron
GB/T 14427-1993
ICS 71.040.40
ISO 6332:1988,NEQ
中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会
GB/T 13284.1-2008 核电厂安全系统 第1部分:设计准则(英文版) The safety systems for unclear power plants—Part 1:Design criteria
GB/T 13284.1-2008
核电厂安全系统 第1部分:设计准则
The safety systems for unclear power plants—Part 1:Design criteria
GB 13284-1998
ICS 27.120.20
中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会
GB/T 21642.2-2008 基于IP网络的视讯会议系统设备技术要求 第2部分:多点处理器(MP) (英文版)
GB/T 21642.2-2008
基于IP网络的视讯会议系统设备技术要求 第2部分:多点处理器(MP)
GB/T 21642.1-2008 基于IP网络的视讯会议系统设备技术要求 第1部分:多点控制器(MC) (英文版)
GB/T 21642.1-2008
基于IP网络的视讯会议系统设备技术要求 第1部分:多点控制器(MC)
GB/T 21641-2008 基于不同技术的应急视讯会议系统互通技术要求(英文版)
GB/T 21641-2008
GB/T 21640-2008 基于IP网络的视讯会议系统设备互通技术要求(英文版)
GB/T 21640-2008
GB/T 21637-2008 冠状病毒透射电子显微镜形态学鉴定方法(英文版)
GB/T 21637-2008
GB 3836.1-2000 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第一部分:通用要求 英文版

1.1 This Standard specifies the general requirements and inspection procedures for the design, inspection and marking of electrical apparatus, Ex cable entry and Ex component for explosive gas atmospheres [1].
1.2 This Standard is supplemented or modified with the following special standards for the types of protection for electrical apparatuses.
GB 3836.2 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres -
Part 2: Flameproof type “d”
GB 3836.3 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres -
Part 3: Increased safety type “e”
GB 3836.4 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres -
Part 4: Intrinsic safe type “i”
GB 3836.5 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres -
Part 5:Positive Pressure type “p”
GB 3836.6 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres -
Part 6: Oil-Filled type “o”
GB 3836.7 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres -
Part 7: Sand-filled type “q”
The clauses contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this Standard with the references are made in this Standard. When this Standard is published, all the indicated editions are valid. All standards are subject to revisions, and all parties who apply this Standard shall explore the possibilities to use the latest editions of the following standards:
GB/T 70 - 1985 Hexagon socket cap head screws (eqv ISO 4762:1977)
GB/T 77 - 1985 Hexagon socket set screws with flat point (eqv ISO 4026:1977)
GB/T 78 - 1985 Hexagon socket set screws with cone point (eqv ISO 4027:1977)
GB/T 79 - 1985 Hexagon socket set screws with dog point (eqv ISO 4028:1977)
GB/T 80 - 1985 Hexagon socket set screws with cup point (eqv ISO 4029:1977)
GB/T 2423.4-1993 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products -Test DB: Damp heat, cyclic (eqv IEC 60068-2-30:1980)
GB 3836.11-1991 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres - Method of test for ascertainment of maximum experimental safe gap (eqv IEC 60079- 1A:1975)
GB 3836.12-1991 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres - Classification of gases or vapors with air according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents (eqv IEC 60079 - 12:1978)
GB 4208 -1993 Degree of Protection provided by enclosure (IP Code) (eqv IEC 60529:1989)
GB/T 4942.1-1985 Classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures for rotating machines (eqv IEC 60034 - 5:1981)
GB/T 5277-1985 Fasteners - Clearance holes for bolts and screws (eqv ISO 273:1979)
GB/T 5782-1986 Hexagon head bolts - Product Grades A and B (eqv ISO 4014:1979)
GB/T 5783-1986 Hexagon head bolts - Full-thread - Product Grades A and B (eqv ISO 4017:1979)
GB/T 6031-1998 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of hardness (30 ~ 85 IRHD) (idt ISO 48:1994)
GB/T 6170-1986 Hexagon nuts, Style 1 – Product Grades A and B (eqv ISO 4032:1979)
GB/T 7957-1987 Safety cap lamp for mines
GB/T 9145-1988 General purpose screw threads - Limits of sizes for commercial bolt and nut threads – Medium quality (eqv ISO 965/2:1980)
GB/T 9341-1988 Plastic - Determination of flexural properties of rigid plastic s (eqv ISO 178:1975)
GB/T 11020-1989 Test methods for the determination of the flammability of solid electrical insulating materials when exposed to an igniting source (eqv IEC 707:1981)
GB/T 11026.1-1989 Guide for the determination of thermal endurance properties of electrical insulating materials - General guidelines for ageing procedures and evaluation of test results (eqv IEC 60216-1:1987)
GB 13813-1992 Testing method and judging rule of safety to friction spark of metallic material for coal mines
JB/T 7192-1995 Selectable series of general purpose screw threads for commercial bolts and nuts
IEC 60079—4:1975 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres - Part 4: Test method for determination of ignition temperature
IEC 60192: 1973 Low voltage sodium lamp
IEC 60216—2:1990 Guideline for determination of heat endurance property for electrical insulating materials - Part 2: Selection of testing and judging criteria
IEC 60662: 1980 High voltage sodium lamp
IEC 60947 —1:1996 Low voltage switch and controller - Part 1: General Procedures
ISO 179:1993 Plastic - Method for determination of pendulum impact test strength for rigid plastic
ISO 286-2:1988 ISO system of tolerance and fitting-up - Part 2: Table of standard tolerance grade and tolerance limits for holes and shafts
ISO 527-2:1993 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties Part 2: Formed plastics and molded plastics
ISO 1817:1985 Vulcanized rubber - Determination of effect of liquid
ISO 4892-1:1994 Plastics - Test method of exposure to laboratory light source
3 Definitions and Symbols
GB 1985- 2004 高压交流隔离开关和接地开关 英文版

1. General
1.1 Scope
The standard is suitable for using for the following AC disconnectors and earthing switches, like fixed indoors and outdoors, terminal is seal and open, the rated voltage is more than 3.6kV, and the operating frequency is less than 50HZ.
The standard is also suitable for the operation mechanism and its auxiliary equipment of these disconnectors and earthing switches.
The additional requirement of disconnectors and earthing switches in enclosed switch equipment and control equipment are given in GB 3906, GB 7674 and IEC 60466.
Note: the standard is exclusive of the situation that the fuse is not taken as a component of the disconnectors.
1.2 Normative quotation
The clauses in the following documents are cited by the Standard becoming the clauses of the Standard. If the cited document is marked date, its subsequent amendment list (exclusive of correction content) or revised edition are not suitable for the Standard. However, the various parties entering into an agreement according to the Standard are encouraged to research whether these documents' latest edition is used or not. If the cited documents are not marked date, the latest edition is suitable for the standard.
GB/T 311.2-2002 Insulation co-ordination-Part 2: Application guide for insulation co-ordination for high voltage transmission and distribution equipment (eqv IEC 60071-2:1996)
GB/T 1804-2000 General tolerances-Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indications (eqv ISO 2768-1:1989)
GB/T 2900.20-1994 Electrotechnical terminology-High-voltage switchgear (neq IEC 60050)
GB 3804-2004 3.6kV-40.5 kV High-voltage AC Load Switch (IEC 60265-1:1998, MOD)
GB 3906-1991 3-35 kV AC Metal Seal Switchgear (neq IEC 60298:1990)
GB/ T 4109-1999 Technical specification of high voltage bushings (eqv IEC 60137:1995)
GB 4208-1993 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) (eqv IEC 60529:1989)
GB/T 5582-1993 External insulation pollution classes of high-voltage electric power equipments (neq IEC 60815:1986)
GB/T 7354-2003 Partial Discharge Measurement (IEC 60270:2000, IDT)
GB 7674-1997 Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and above (eqv IEC 60517:1990)
GB/T 11022-1999 Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear standards (eqv IEC 60694:1996)
GB/T 14810-1993 AC high-voltage switches for rated voltages of 110kV and above (neq IEC 60265-2:1988)
IEC 60466:1987 AC insulation-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltage 1kV above to 38kV
IEC 60865-1:1993 Short-circuit currents - Calculation of effects- Part 1 Definition and calculation method
GB 1176-1987 铸造铜合金技术条件 英文版

1.1 Designations of alloy
Refer to GB 8063-87 “Designations of non-ferrous metals and their alloys”.
1.2 Alloy name
Alloys are named according to percentage composition of alloy nominal composition in GB 8063-87. Such as 5-5-5 tin bronze, 38 brass, 25-6-3-3 aluminum brass etc.
1.3 Code of casting method
S - Sand casting
J - Metal mould casting
La - Continuous casting
Li - Rotational casting
GB 748-2005 抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥 英文版

1. Scope
This national standard specifies the classification, terms and definitions, material requirements, strength level, technical requirements, test method, test rules, packaging, markings, transportation and storage.
This national standard is applicable to sulfate-resistance Portland cement.
2. Normative quoted documents
The following provisions become part of the national standard after being quoted. For documents marked with time, their amendments (amendments to errors excluded) or revised versions are inapplicable. However, it is encouraged that parties that have reached an agreement according to this standard discuss whether the latest edition of these documents can be adopted. For documents without date, their latest editions are applicable to this standard.
GB/T176 Method for chemical analysis of cement (GB/T176-1996, eqvISO680:1990)
GB/T749 Test method for potential expansion of Portland cement mortars exposed to sulfate
GB/T750 Autoclave method for soundness of Portland cement
GB/T1346 Test methods for water requirement of normal consistency,
setting time and soundness of cement (GB/T 1346 - 2001, egv ISO9597:1989)
GB/T5483 Gypsum and anhydrite
GB/T8074 Testing method for specific surface of cement-Blaine method
GB9774 Cement packaging bag
GB12573 Cement sampling procedure
GB/T17671 cement mortar strength test method (ISO method)
(GB/T17671-1999, idtISO679:1989)
JC/T667 Cement grinding aid
GB 715-1989 标准件用碳素钢热轧圆钢 英文版

This standard stipulates dimension, shape, weight permissible variation, technical requirements, test method, test rules, packing, marking and certification of hot rolled round carbon steel bars for manufacturing screw nail, screw nut, screw bolt and rivet.
This standard is applicable to hot rolled round carbon steel bars for manufacturing screw nail, screw nut, screw bolt and rivet of cold upset forging or hot upset forging.
2 Normative references
GB 222 GB 222 chemolysis for steel uses sampling method and permit variation for finished product chemical composition
GB 223 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy
GB 228 Metallic materials-Tensile test
GB 233 Metallic materials-Upset forging test
GB 237 Metallic materials-Forging test
GB 2101 General requirements of acceptance, packaging, marking, and certification for section steel
GB 2975 Sampling stipulation for steels mechanics and technological performance test
GB 6397 Metallic materials--Test pieces for tensile testing
GB 700-88 碳素结构钢 英文版

2. Cited standard
GB 222 Method of sampling steel for determination of chemical composition and permissible variations for product analysis.
GB 223 Method of chemical analysis on steel and alloy
GB 228 Metallic materials-tensile testing
GB 232 Metallic materials-bend testingGB 247 General rule of acceptance, package, mark and certification for steel plates (sheets) and strips
GB 2101 General rule of acceptance, package, mark and certification for profile steel
GB 2106 Metallic materials; Charpy impact test (V-notch)
GB 2975 Rules for sampling in mechanical and technological testing of steel products
GB 4159 Metallic materials; Charpy impact test at low temperature
GB 6397 Metallic materials-test pieces for tensile testing3. The denotation of number, code name and symbol
GB 699-1999 优质碳素结构钢 英文版

GB/T 669-1999
Quality Carbon Structure Steels
Replace GB/T 699-1988
1. Aspect(s) Covered
This standard regulates size, shape, weight, tolerance, specification, testing method, inspection rules, package, mark and quality certificate of hot-rolled or hot-forged quality carbon structure steel.
This standard is applicable to quality carbon structure steel rod whose diameter or thickness is not greater than 250mm. Through negotiation between buyers and sellers, quality carbon structure steel rod whose diameter or thickness is greater than 250mm can also be supplied.
Grades and chemical composition prescribed in this standard are also applicable to steel ingot and steel billet products.
2. Normative Reference
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. All the Standards stated below are effective at the publication of this Standard. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
GB/T 222-1984 Method of Sampling Steel for Determination of Chemical Composition and Permissible Variations for Product Analysis
GB/T224-1987 Determination of Depth of Decarburization of Steel
GB/T 226-1991 Etch Test for Macrostructure and Defect of Steels
GB/T 228-1987 Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing
GB/T 229-1994 Metallic Materials - Charpy Notch Impact Test
GB/T 231-1984 Metallic Materials - Brinell Hardness Test
GB/T 233-1982 Method for Forging Test of Metals
GB/T 702-1986 Hot-rolled Round and Square Steels - Dimension, Shape, Weight and Tolerance
GB/T 908-1987 Forged Round and Square Steels - Dimension, Shape, Weight and Tolerance
GB/T 1979-1980 Diagram of a Low Magnification Texture Blemish Grading of Structural Steel
GB/T 2101-1989 General Requirements of Acceptance, Packaging, Marking and Certification for Section Steel
GB/T 2975-1998 Steel and Steel Products - Location and Preparation of Test Pieces for Mechanical Testing
GB/T 4336-1984 Method for Photoelectric Emission Spectroscopic Analysis of Carbon Steel Medium and Low Alloy Steel
GB/T 6397-1986 Metallic Materials - Test Pieces for Tensile Testing
GB/T 7736-1987 Ultrasonic Inspecting Method for Macro-structure and Imperfection of Steel
GB/T 10561-1989 Steel - Determination of Content of Non-metallic Inclusion - Micrographic Method Using Standard Diagrams
GB/T 17616-1998 Unified Numbering System for Designations of Iron, Steel and Alloy
GB/T 13299-1991 Steel - Determination of Microstructure
GB/T 15711-1995 Steel Products - Method for Etch Test of Tower Sample
GB/T 17505-1998 Steel and Steel Products - General Technical Delivery Requirements
YB/T 5148-1993 Metal - Methods for Estimating the Average Grain Size
For normative reference of chemical analysis method for composition in steel, see Annex A (normative).
GB 200-2003 中热硅酸盐水泥 低热硅酸盐水泥 低热矿渣硅酸盐水泥 英文版

GB 200-2003 中热硅酸盐水泥 低热硅酸盐水泥 低热矿渣硅酸盐水泥 英文版
1 Scope 6
2. Standard Reference 6
3. Definitions and Code Number 7
3.1 Moderate heat Portland cement 7
3.2 Low heat Portland cement 7
3.3 Low heat Portland slag cement 7
4 Composition and Material 7
4.1 Composition 7
4.2 Portland cement clinker 8
4.2.1 Moderate heat Portland cement clinker 8
4.2.2 Low heat Portland cement clinker 8
4.2.3 Low heat Portland slag cement clinker 8
4.3 Granulated blast-furnace cinder, granulated electric furnace phosphorous slag and fly-ash 9
4.4 Gypsum 9
4.5 Grinding aids 9
5 Strength Level 9
6 Technical Specifications 9
6.1 Magnesium oxide 9
6.2 Alkali content 10
6.3 Sulfur trioxide 10
6.4 Loss on ignition 10
6.5 Specific surface 10
6.6 Setting time 10
6.7 Soundness 10
6.8 Strength 10
6.9 Hydration heat 11
6.10 28d hydration heat of low heat cement 11
7. Testing Method 12
7.1 calcium oxide (CaO), sulfur trioxide silicon dioxide (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), ferric oxide (Fe2O3), magnesium oxide (MgO), sulfur trioxide (SO3), loss on ignition, free calcium oxide, sodium oxide (Na2O) and potassium oxide (K2O). 12
7.2 Specific surface 12
7.3 Setting time and soundness 12
7.4 Autoclave soundness 12
7.5 Strength 12
7.6 Hydration heat 12
8. Test Rules 12
8.1 Serial number and sampling 12
8.2 Test Classification 13
8.2.1 Factory inspection 13
8.2.2 Type-approval Test 13
8.3 Finished cement 13
8.4 Rejected product and unacceptable product 14
8.4.1 Rejected product 14
8.4.2 Unacceptable product 14
8.5 Test report 14
8.6 Delivery and acceptance 14
8.6.1 Delivery 14
8.6.2 Acceptance 14
9. Packaging, Marking, Transportation and Storage 15
9.1 Packing 15
9.2 Marking 15
9.3 Transportation and storage 16
Moderate heat Portland Cement
Low heat Portland Cement
Low Heat Portland Slag Cement
1 Scope
This national standard specifies the classification, terms and definitions, materials requirements, strength levels, technical specifications, test method, test rules, packaging, marking, transportation and storage of moderate heat Portland cement, low heat Portland cements and low heat Portland slag cement.
This national standard is applicable to moderate heat Portland cement, low heat Portland cement and low heat Portland slag cement.
2. Standard Reference
The following normative documents contain provisions, which through reference in this text constitute provisions of this national standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However it is recommended that related parties investigate if the latest edition should be used. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 176 Method for chemical analysis of cement (GB/T 176-1996 egvl SO 680:1990)
GB/T 203 Granulated blast-furnace slag used in cement
GB/T 750 Autoclave method for soundness of portland cement
GB/T1346 water consumption for cement's standard consistency, setting time, soundness, and test method (GB/T 1346-2001, egv ISO 9597:1989)
GB /T 1596 Fly ash used in cement and concerte
GB/T 2022-1980 Test method for heat of hydration of cement (adiabatic method)
GB/T 5483 Gypsum and anhydrite (GB/T 5483-1996, egv ISO 1587:1975)
GB/T 6645 Granulated electric furnace phosphorous slag used for cement production
GB/T 8074 Testing method for specific surface of cement (Blaine method)
GB 9774 Sacks for packing cement
GB 12573 Sampling method of cement
GB/T 12959-1991 Test method for heat of hydration of cement (The heat of solution method)
GB/T 17671-1999 Method of testing cements’ mortar specimens’ strength (ISO Method) (idt ISO 679:1989)
JC/T 667 Additives to cement grinding process
GB 190-90 危险货物包装标志 英文版

This Standard has stated the type, name, dimension and color of the diagrammatic labels for packages of dangerous goods (hereinafter referred to as label).
This Standard is applicable to the transportation and package of dangerous goods.
2. Normative Reference
GB6944 Classification and Code of Dangerous Goods
GB12268 List of Dangerous Goods
GB 176-1996 水泥化学分析方法 英文版

Foreword 1
1. Scope 10
2. Standard Reference 10
3. Basic Requirements of Test 11
3.1 Test frequency and requirements 11
3.2 Expression of mass, volume, volume ratio, titer value, and the result 11
3.3 Permitted Deviation 11
3.4 Ignition 12
3.5 Constant weight 12
3.6 Cl-ion test (silver nitrate test) 12
4 Reagents and Materials 12
4.1 Hydrochloric acid (1+1); (1+2); (1+9); (1+10); (1+11); (3+97) 13
4.2 Nitric acid (1+9) 13
4.3 Sulfuric acid (1+2); (1+4); (1+9); (5+95) 13
4.4 Phosphoric acid (1+1) 13
4.5 Hydrogen peroxide (1+1) 13
4.6 Formate (1+1) 13
4.7 Ammonia (1+1); (1+2) 13
4.8 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 13
4.9 Caustic soda dissolving (10g/L): 13
4.10 Caustic soda dissolving (15g/L): 13
4.11 Potash solution (200g/L): 13
4.12 Sal ammoniac (NH4Cl) 14
4.13 Anhydrous sodium carbonate (Na2CO3): 14
4.14 Silver nitrate solution (5g/L): 14
4.15 Ammonium Nitrate solution (20g/L): 14
4.16 Ammonium Molybdate solution (50g/L): 14
4.17 Ascorbic acid solution (5g/L): 14
4.18 Potassium pyrosulfate(K2S2O7): 14
4.19 Barium chloride solution (100g/L): 14
4.20 Stannous chloride (SnCl2•2H2O) 14
4.21 Stannous chloride-phosphoric acid solution: 14
4.22 Ammonia zinc sulphate of solution(100g/L): 14
4.23 Gelatin water (5g/L): 14
4.24 Starch solution (10g/L): 14
4.25 Lithium borate: 14
4.26 Strontium chloride solution (strontium 50g/L): 14
4.27 Cesium chloride solution (saturated 50g/L): 15
4.28 Diantipyrylmethane solution (30g/L hydrochloric acid solution): 15
4.29 Potassium Periodate (KIO4). 15
4.30 Sodium carbonate- borax mixed flux: 15
4.31 Ammonium carbonate solution (100g/L): 15
4.32 EDTA- copper solutions: 15
4.33 PH3 buffer solution: 15
4.34 PH4.3 buffer solution: 15
4.35 PH10 buffer solution: 15
4.36 Triethanolamine [N (CH2CH2OH)3]:(1+2) 15
4.37 Seignette salt solution (100g/L): 15
4.38 Hydroxylamine hydrochloride (NH2OH•HCL) 15
4.39 Potassium chloride (KCl): 15
4.40 Potassium Fluoride solution (150g/L): 15
4.41 Potassium fluoride solution (20g/L): 15
4.42 potassium chloride solution (50g/L): 16
4.43 Potassium chloride-ethanol solution (50g/L): 16
4.44 PH6.0 total ionic strength adjnstment buffer (TISAB) solution: 16
4.45 Absolute ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH): 16
4.46 Glycol [1, 2-(CH2OH)2]: 16
4.47 Barium chromate solution (10g/L): 16
4.48 Type H 732 styrene strong acid cation exchange resin (1X12): 16
4.49 Sodium hydroxide absolute ethyl alcohol solution (0.4g/L): 16
4.50 Glycerol absolute ethyl alcohol solution: 16
4.51 Silicon dioxide (SiO2) standard solution 17
4.51.1 Formulation of standard solution 17
4.51.2 Illustration of the working curve 17
4.52 Titanium dioxide (TiO2) Standard solution 17
4.52.1 Formulation of standard solution 17
4.52.2 Illustration of the working curve 18
4.53 Manganese monoxide (MnO) standard solution 18
4.53.1 Formulated with manganese sulfate (MnSO4•H2O) 18
4.53.2Formulation with mangano-manganic oxide (Mn3O4) 18
4.54 Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) standard solution 19
4.54.1 Formulation of standard solution 19
4.54.2 Illustration of the working curve 19
4.55 Standard solution of magnesium oxide (MgO) 19
4.55.1 Formulation of standard solution 20
4.55.2 Illustration of the working curve 20
4.56 Standard solution of potassium oxide (K2O) and sodium oxide (Na2O) 20
4.56.1 Formulation of standard solution of potassium oxide 20
4.56.2 Formulation of sodium oxide standard solution 21
4.56.3 Illustration of the working curve 21
4.57 Standard solution of sulfur trioxide (SO3) 22
4.57.1 Formulation of standard solution 22
4.57.2 Formulation of ionic strength regulating solution 22
4.57.3 Illustration of the working curve 22
4.58 Standard volumetric solution of potassium iodate [ c(1/6KIO3) = 0.03mol/L]: 22
4.59 Potassium dichromate reference solution [c(1/6K2Cr2O7) = 0.03mol/L] 23
4.60 Sodium thiosulfate standard volumetric solution [c (Na2S203,) = 0.03mol/L] 23
4.60.1 Formulation of standard volumetric solution 23
4.60.2 Standardization 23
4.61 Calcium carbonate standard solution [c (CaCO3) = 0.024mol/L] 25
4.62 EDTA standard volumetric solution [ c (EDTA) = 0.015mol/L] 25
4.62.1 Formulation of standard volumetric solution 25
4.62.2 EDTA standard volumetric solution's calibration 25
4.62.3 Calculation of the titer value EDTA standard volumetric solution to all the oxides 26
4.63 Standard volumetric solution of cupric sulfate [C (EDTA) = 0.015mol/L]) 27
4.63.1 Formulation of standard volumetric solution 27
4.63.2 The calibration of volume ratio of EDTA standard volumetric solution and cupric sulfate standard volumetric solution 27
4.64 Sodium hydroxide standard volumetric solution [C (NaOH)=0.15mol/L]) 27
4.64.1 Formulation of standard volumetric solution 27
4.64.2 Calibration of sodium hydroxide standard volumetric solution's concentration 28
4.64.3 Titer value of sodium hydroxide standard volumetric solution to silicon dioxide should be calculated according to equation (12). 28
4.65 Standard volumetric solution of sodium hydroxide. [c(NaOH) =0.06mol/L] 29
4.65.1 Formulation of standard volumetric solution 29
4.65.2 Sodium hydroxide standard volumetric solution's PH indicator calibration 29
4.65.3 Titer value of sodium hydroxide standard volumetric solution to sulfur trioxide should be calculated according to equation (14). 29
4.66 Fluorine (F-) Standard solution 30
4.66.1 Formulation of standard solution 30
4.66.2 Illustration of the working curve 30
4.67 Hydrochloric acid standard volumetric solution [c (HCl)] = 0.1mol/L) 31
4.67.1 Formulation of standard volumetric solution 31
4.67.2 Hydrochloric acid standard volumetric solution's PH indicator calibration 31
4.67.3 Calibration of hydrochloric acid standard volumetric solution to calcium oxide 31
4.68 Benzoic acid absolute ethyl alcohol standard volumetric solution [c(C6H5OOH) = 0.1mol/L] 32
4.68.1 Formulation of standard volumetric solution 32
4.68.2 Calibration of the titer value of benzoic acid absolute ethyl alcohol standard volumetric solution to calcium oxide 32
4.69 Methyl red indicator solution: 33
4.70 Sulfosalicylic acid sodium salt indicator solution: 33
4.71 Bromphenol blue indicator solution: 33
4.72 1-(2-azopyridines)-2-naphthol (PAN) indicator solution: 33
4.73 calcein-methyl thymol blue-phenolphthalein mixed indicator (CMP mixed indicator for short): 33
4.74 Acid chrome blue K-Naphthol green B mixed indicator: 33
4.75 Methyl red indicator solution: 33
4.76 Methyl red-bromocresol green mixed indicator solution: 33
5 Instrument and Facility 34
5.1 Balance: 34
5.2 Platinum, silver or porcelain crucible: 34
5.3 Platinum vessel: 34
5.4 Porcelain evaporating dish: 34
5.5 Muffle furnace: 34
5.6 Filter paper: 34
5.7 Glass volumetric apparatus: 34
5.8 Magnetic stirring apparatus: 34
5.9 Spectrophotometer: 34
5.10 Flame photometer: 34
5.11 Atomic absorption spectrophotometer: 34
5.12 Ionometer or acidimeter: 34
5.13 Device for the determination of sulfide and sulfate 34
6 Preparation of Cement's Test Specimen 35
7 Determination of the Loss on Ignition (Reference Method) 35
7.1 Method synopsis 35
7.2 Analytical procedure 35
7.3 Expression of the result 35
7.4 Permitted deviation 36
8 Determination of the Loss on Ignition (Reference method) 36
8.1 Method synopsis 36
8.2 Analytical procedure 36
8.3 Expression of the result 37
8.4 Permitted deviation 37
9. Determination of the Silicon Dioxide (Reference Method) 38
9.1 Method synopsis 38
9.2 Analytical procedure 38
9.2.1 Determination of pure silicon dioxide 38
9.2.2 Decomposition of the residue that has been processed by hydrofluoric acid. 40
9.2.3 Determination of soluble silicon dioxide 40
9.3 Expression of the result 41
9.4 Permitted deviation 41
10 Determination of the Ferric Oxide (Reference Method) 41
10.1 Method synopsis 41
10.2 Analytical procedure 41
10.3 Expression of the result 41
10.4 Permitted deviation 42
11 Determination of the Alumina (Reference Method) 42
11.1 Method synopsis 42
11.2 Analytical procedure 42
11.3 Expression of the result 42
11.4 Permitted deviation 43
12 Determination of the Calcium Oxide (Reference Method) 43
12.1 Method synopsis 43
12.2 Analytical procedure 43
12.3 Expression of the result 43
12.4 Permitted deviation 44
13 Determination of Magnesium (Reference Method) 44
13.1 Method synopsis 44
13.2 Analytical procedure 44
13.2.1 Decompound with hydrofluoric acid- perchloric acid 44
13.2.2 Fusion of lithium boric acid 45
13.2.3 Determination of magnesium 45
13.3 Expression of the result 45
13.4 Permitted deviation 46
14 Determination of Sulfate-sulfur Trioxide (Reference Method) 46
14.1 Method synopsis 46
14.2 46
14.3 Expression of the result 47
14.4 Permitted deviation 47
15 Determination of Titanium Dioxide (Reference Method 2) 47
15.1 Method synopsis 47
15.2 Analytical procedure 47
15.3 Expression of the result 48
15.4 Permitted deviation 48
16 Determination of the Manganese Monoxide (Reference Method) 48
16.1 Method synopsis 48
16.2 Analytical procedure 49
16.3 Expression of the result 49
16.4 Permitted deviation 50
17 Determination of Potassium Oxide and Sodium Oxide (Reference Method) 50
17.1 Method synopsis 50
17.2 Analytical procedure 50
17.3 Expression of the result 50
17.4 Permitted deviation 51
18 Determination of the Sulfide (Reference Method) 51
18.1 Method synopsis 51
18.2 Analytical procedure 51
18.3 Expression of the result 52
18.4 Permitted deviation 52
19. Determination of the Silicon Dioxide (Substitution Method) 53
19.1 Method synopsis 53
19.2 Analytical procedure 53
19.3 Expression of the result 54
19.4 Permitted deviation 54
20. Determination of the Alumina (Substitution Method) 54
20.1 Method synopsis 54
20.2 Analytical procedure 55
20.3 Expression of the result 55
20.4 Permitted deviation 55
21. Determination of the Calcium Oxide (Substitution Method) 56
21.1 Method synopsis 56
21.2 Analytical procedure 56
21.3 Expression of the result 56
21.4 Permitted deviation 56
22 Determination of Magesium (Substitution Method) 57
22.1 Complex formation titration 57
22.1.1 Method synopsis 57
22.1.2 Analytical procedure 57
22.1.3 Permitted deviation 58
22.2 Atomic absorption spectrometry 59
22.2.1 Method synopsis 59
22.2.2 Analytical procedure 59
22.2.3 Expression of the result 59
22.2.4 Permitted deviation 60
23 Determination of Ferric Oxide (Substitution Method) 60
23.1 Method synopsis 60
23.2 Analytical procedure 60
24 Determination of Manganese Monoxide (Substitution Method) 61
25 Determination of Potassium Oxide and Sodium Oxide (Substitution Method) 62
25.1 Method synopsis 62
25.2 Analytical procedure 62
25.3 Expression of the result 62
25.4 Permitted deviation 63
26 Determination of Sulfate-sulfur Trioxide (Substitution Method) 63
26.1 Iodimetric analysis 63
26.1.1 Method synopsis 63
26.1.2 Analytical procedure 64
26.1.3 Expression of the result 64
26.2 Barium sulfate - barium chromate spectrophotometric method 65
26.2.1 Method synopsis 65
26.2.2 Analytical procedure 65
26.2.3 Expression of the result 65
26.3 Ion-exchange method 66
26.3.1 Method synopsis 66
26.3.2 Analytical procedure 66
26.3.3 Expression of the result 66
26.4 Permitted deviation 67
27 Determination of Fluorin (Substitution Method) 67
27.1 Method synopsis 67
27.2 Analytical procedure 67
27.3 Expression of the result 68
27.4 Permitted deviation 68
28 Determination of Free Calcium Oxide (Substitution Method) 68
28.1 Glycol method 68
28.1.1 Method synopsis 68
28 .1.2 Analytical procedure 69
28.1.3 Expression of the result 69
28.2 Glycidol method 69
28.2.1 Method synopsis 69
28.2.2 Analytical procedure 70
28.2.3 Expression of the result 70
28.3 Permitted deviation 70
GB 175-2007 通用硅酸盐水泥 英文版

GB 175-2007 通用硅酸盐水泥 英文版
1 Scope
This national standard regulated that common Portland cements’ compositions, materials specifications, strength levels, technical specifications, test methods, test rules, packaging, marking, transportation, storage, and so on.
This national standard is applicable to common Portland cements.
2 Standard Reference
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this national standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T176 Chemical analysis method of cement (GB/T176-1996, eqv ISO680:1990)
GB/T203 Granulated slag ash used for cement
GB/T750 Autoclave method for soundness of cement
GB/T1345 Fineness test method for cement (sieve processing method)
GB/T1346 Water amount for standard testing consistency, setting time and test method for the soundness of cement (GB/T1346-2001, eqv ISO9597:1989)
GB/T1596 Fly-ash used for cement and concrete
GB/T2419 Test method for cement mortar mobility
GB/T2847 Volcanic ash admixture
GB/T5483 Gypsum and hard gypsum
GB/T8074 Cement’s specific surface area test method (Blaine)
GB9774 Package bag of cement
GB12573 Cement’s sampling
GB/T12960 Examination of cement’s composition of certain amount
GB/T17671 Test method for the cement mortar’s strength level (ISO method) (GB/T17671-1999, idt ISO679:1989)
GB/T18046 Granulated blast-furnace slag powder used in cement and concrete
JC/T420 Chemical analysis method of chloride in cement materials
JC/T667 Cement’s grinding aids
JC/T742 Rotary Kiln ash blended in cement
GB 32.1-1988-T 六角头头部带孔螺栓 A和B级 英文版

GB 32.1-1988-T 六角头头部带孔螺栓 A和B级 英文版
This standard specifies hexagon bolts with wire holes on head with thread specification M6- M48 and with product grade A and B. This screw bolt generates wire hole on head of GB5782.
2 Normative references
GB 5782 Hexagon head bolts—Product grade A and B
GB 5278 Fasteners; Split pin holes and wire holes
GB 1237 Designation system for fasteners
3 Dimensions
Dimensions see the following figure and table 1.
GB 50242-2002 建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范 英文版

GB 50242-2002 建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范 英文版
1.0.1 The Code is constituted so as to strengthen architectural works quality management, unify the acceptance of architectural water supply, drainage and heating works construction quality and ensure works quality.
1.0.2 The Code is suitable for the acceptance of architectural water supply, drainage and heating engineering construction quality.
1.0.3 The requirement for construction acceptance in engineering technical document and contract document adopted in the architectural water supply, drainage and heating works construction can't be lower than the Code's prescription.
1.0.4 The Code should be used with national standard Unified Standard for Constructional Quality Acceptance of Building Engineering GB 50300.
1.0.5 The construction quality acceptance of architectural water supply, drainage and heating works not only implements the Code, but also conforms to the prescription of national current related standard and norm.
2 Terms
2.0.1 Water supply system
The network systematically transports the water to the water utilization site through pipeline and its auxiliary equipment according to the requirement of building and the user's production, life and fire protection.
2.0.2 Drainage system
The network which timely drains the roof rain water and the polluted water as well as waste water produced by life and production process through pipeline and its auxiliary equipment.
2.0.3 Hot water supply system
The networks which transport hot water by the pipeline and its auxiliary equipment so as to meet certain special water temperature demand in the people's life and production process.
2.0.4 Sanitary fixtures
The equipment is used to satisfy people's different sanitary requirements in daily life, collect and drain the polluted water and waste water in the life and production.
2.0.5 Water supply fittings
A general designation of different pipe fittings, valves and water taps which are used to regulate, distribute the water flow and hydraulic pressure as well as shut off and change water flow direction in the water supply and hot water supply system.
2.0.6 Intermediate water system of building
The intermediate water system of building takes architectural, bath drainage, wash drainage and laundry drainage as water source. The water supply system is used for lavatory flush, afforestation, vehicle washing, road sprinkle, air conditioner cooling and waterscape through physical and chemical process treatment.
2.0.7 Auxiliaries
All sorts of equipment are set up for satisfying user's different functions of use and improving operation quality in the architectural water supply, drainage and heating system.
GB 50169-92 电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范 英文版

Code for Construction and Acceptance of Earthed Device
National Technical Supervision Bureau and Ministry of Construction P. R. China publicize the Code jointly on December 16, 1992.
Effective date: July 1, 1993.
Chapter 1 General principalArticle 1.0.1 This is to formulate the Code to ensure the construction quality of the installation engineering and safe operation of the earthed device and improve the technology level of the construction.
Article 1.0.2 The Code is applied to the construction and acceptance of installation engineering of electric equipment’s earthed device.
Article 1.0.3 The installation engineering of the earthed device should be conducted according to the approved design.
Article 1.0.4 The adopted equipment should conform to the national applicable technology standard with qualified certificate.
Article 1.0.5 Safe technology measure of the construction should conform to the Code and applicable regulation on safe technology standard.
Article 1.0.6 The installation of the earthed device should be in conjection with the construction of building engineering. Authority departments should finished medium examination and acceptance record of any and all concealed parts.
Article 1.0.7 The construction and acceptance of the earthed device should conform to the Code and other applicable standards and regulations.
Chapter 2 Earthed device of the electric equipment
Section 1 General regulation
Article 2.1.1 The following metal parts of electric equipments should be earthed or zero connected:
1. The metal chassis and encloser of any electric machine, transformer, electric equipment, portable or mobile electric device.
2. The gearing of any electric equipment.
3. The metal of the distribution equipment indoor and outdoor; reinforced concrete framework; metal fence and door near to electrification parts.
4. The metal framework and chassis of the screen (cubicle or box) for distribution, control or protection and operating table.
5. The joint box of AC/DC power cable, metal encloser of terminal head and expander, cable metal sheath, touchable cable metal protective tube and lined steel tube.
6. The bridge, bracket and headframe of cables.
7. The power line tower with lightning wires.
8. The power equipment mounted on the distribution line pole.
9. The metal tower and reinforced concrete tower of small earth current overhead power line without lightning wire within the non-asphaltum-ground residential area.
10. The framework of any electrical precipitator.
11. The encloser of closed bus and other bare metal parts.
12. The metal box of SF6 closed assembled electric equipment and box-style transformer substation.
13. The metal encloser of Electric-heat equipment.
14. The metal sheath of control cable.
Article 2.1.2 The following metal parts of electric equipments may not be earthed or zero connected: In dry room with wood, asphaltum or other poor conductor ground, the encloser of the electric equipment with an AC rating voltage of no more than 380V or DC rating voltage of no more than 440V. However, the encloser and other earthed objects should be earthed if it is possible to be
GB 50156-2002 汽车加油加气站设计与施工规范 英文版

GB 50156-2002 汽车加油加气站设计与施工规范 英文版
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Code for Design and Construction of Automobile Gasoline and Gas Filling Station GB 50156-2002
I. General
1.0.1 This Code is constituted to implement relevant national discipline and policy, standardize specification and guarantee safety, advanced technology and economy in the Design and construction of automobile gasoline and gas filling station.
1.0.2 This Code is applicable to the design and construction of gasoline filling station, LPG filling station, CNG filling station and automobile gasoline and gas filling station that are newly built, extended and remodeled.
1.0.3 Besides following this Code, the design and construction of automobile gasoline and gas filling station should also meet relevant provisions of current national exclusive standards.
II. Terms
2.0.1 Automobile Gasoline/Gas Filling Station
It is the general title of gasoline filling station, LPG filling station, CNG filling station and automobile gasoline and gas filling station.
2.0.2 Automobile Gasoline Filling Station
It is place for filling automobile oil tank with gasoline or diesel oil.
2.0.3 Automobile LPG Filling Station
It is place for filling gasbomb of gas automobile with LPG.
2.0.4 Automobile CNG Filling Station
It is place for filling gasbomb of gas automobile with CNG.
2.0.5 Automobile Gasoline and Gas Filling Station
It is place for filling both oil tank of automobile with gasoline or diesel oil and gasbomb of gas automobile with LPG or CNG.
2.0.6 Automobile LPG or CNG Filling Station
It is short name for LPG filling station or CNG filling station.
2.0.7 Station House
It is the building used for management and business of gasoline and gas filling station.
2.0.8 Gasoline Filling Island
It is the platform used for fixing gasoline dispenser.
2.0.9 Gas Filling Island
It is the platform used for fixing gas dispenser.
2.0.10 Underground Gasoline Storage Tank
It is horizontal-type gasoline storage tank buried underground, covered with soil directly or the pool stuffed with sand (fine earth), and with top liquid level 0.2 meters lower than the lowest point of ground four meters around the tank.
2.0.11 Underground LPG Storage Tank
It is horizontal-type LPG storage tank buried underground, covered with soil directly or the pool stuffed with sand (fine earth), and with top liquid level 0.2 meters lower than the lowest point of ground four meters around the tank.
2.0.12 Closed Gasoline Unloading Point
It is the permanent joint of underground oil tank to unload oil from tank truck closed.
2.0.13 Vapor Recovery System for Unloading Gasoline
It is closed vapor recovery system for recovering vapor from unloading gasoline.
2.0.14 Vapor Recovery System for Filling
It is closed vapor recovery system for recovering the oil vapor produced in filling to underground oil tank.
2.0.15 LPG (CNG) Dispenser
It is a specialized facility with measurement and pricing device for filling gasbomb of automobile with LPG or CNG.
2.0.16 Break-away Coupling
It is a valve that can be broken into two pieces by force and has self sealing function after breaking.
2.0.17 Gas Primary Filling Station
It is CNG filling station that can fill gasbomb carried by truck with CNG.
2.0.18 Gas Secondary Filling Station
Gaining CNG from gasbomb carried by truck, it is CNG filling station for giving gas filling to automobile.
2.0.19 Gas Storage Well
It is vertical well in the CNG filling station used for storing CNG.
III. General Provisions
GB 50116-98 火灾自动报警系统设计规范 英文版

1.0.1 This Code is designed to prevent/decrease damages from fires, reasonable design the automatic fire alarm system and to safeguard human and property security.
1.0.2 This Code is applicable to automatic fire alarm systems installed in industrial and civil buildings, but not to those installed in places producing and stocking powder, detonator, ammunition and hot working products.
1.0.3 The design of automatic fire alarm systems shall be in line with national guidelines and policies, to live up to appliance, security, state-of-art technology and economic feasibility.
1.0.4 The design of automatic fire alarm systems shall be in accordance with current related national standards and codes beside this Code.
2. Terms
2.0.1 Alarm Zone
The division of automatic fire alarm system warning limits according to the fire compartment or floors.
2.0.2 Detection Zone
The division of alarm zones according to the fire detection parts.
2.0.3 Monitoring Area
The area to be efficiently detected by the fire detector.
2.0.4 Spacing
The horizontal distance between centers of two neighboring fire detectors.
2.0.5 Monitoring Radius
The one-dimensional maximum horizontal distance able to be detected by the fire detector.
2.0.6 Local Alarm System
Composed of local fire alarm controllers and fire detectors, or the automatic fire alarm system composed of fire alarm controllers and fire detectors.
2.0.7 Remote Alarm System
Composed of remote/local fire alarm controllers and fire detector, or the automatic fire alarm system composed of fire alarm controllers, regional display and fire detectors.
2.0.8 Control Center Alarm System
Composed of fire protection control equipment, remote/local fire alarm controllers and fire detectors in the fire control room, or the automatic fire alarm system composed of fire protection control equipment, remote/local fire alarm controllers and fire detectors in the fire control room.
GB 50057-94 建筑物防雷设计规范 英文版

Design Code for Lightning Protection of Buildings
GB 50057-94
Chapter I General Principles
Article 1.0.1
The Code is designed to adjust the lightning protection designs to lightning protection measures adopted to buildings (including constructional work, the same as follows),To prevent or reduce casualties and losses of cultural relics and properties resulted from lightning hit buildings, and to live up to safety, state-of-art technologies and economic feasibility.
Article 1.0.2
The Code shall be applied to the lightening protection design of the newly-built buildings, but not to that of Antenna towers, Community Antenna Television (CATV) receiving systems, oilcans and chemical outdoor equipment.
Article 1.0.3
The design for building lightning protection shall be based on the strict survey of conditions including geography, geology, soil, weather and environment, of Laws of lightning activities and characteristics of the target buildings and shall make a scrutiny into forms and installations of lightning protection devices.
Article 1.0.4The design for building lightning protection shall execute all provisions of the Code and shall be in compliance with provisions of current national related standards and codes as well.
GB 50034-92 工业企业照明设计标准 英文版

Compiling department: Ministry of Construction, PRC
Approval department: Ministry of Construction, PRC
Implementation Date: May 1st, 1993
Chapter 1 General Principles 2
Chapter 2 Lighting Mode and Lighting Category 2
Chapter 3 Illumination Standard 3
Section 1 General Regulations 3
Section 2 Illumination Standard Value 4
Chapter 4 Light Source 6
Chapter 5 Lighting Luminaire 7
Chapter 6 Lighting Quality 8
Section 1 Glare Restriction 8
Section 2 Light Source Color 10
Section 3 Illumination uniformity 12
Chapter 7 Lighting Power Supply 12
Chapter 8 Energy-saving Lighting 15
Appendix Ⅰ Noun Interpretation 16
Appendix Ⅱ The Illumination Standard Value of the General Production Workshop and Operational Location's Working Surface 18
Appendix Ⅲ Industrial enterprise's subsidiary building illumination standard value 22
Appendix Ⅳ Workshop open work location and transportation line's illumination standard value 23
Appendix Ⅴ Brightness curve method 24
Appendix Ⅵ Indoor lighting's objective effectiveness value (suggestion) 25
Chapter 1 General Principles
Article1.0.1 So as to carry out the national concerned technical economy policy in industrial enterprise lighting layout, in favor of protecting eyesight, improving products quality and labor productivity, achieve energy-saving, state-of-art technology, economical and reasonable, safety use and convenient maintenance, the standard is made-to-order.
Article 1.0.2 The standard is suitable for the new-constructed, reconstructed and enlarged project. It isn't suitable for subsurface construction, subsurface mine, windowless workshop, etc.
Article1.0.3 The industrial enterprise lighting design not only conforms to the standard, but also conforms to the requirements of current national related standard and norm.
Chapter 2 Lighting Mode and Lighting Category
Article 2.0.1 The lighting mode can be divided into general lighting, localized general lighting, local lighting and mixed lighting. Its applicable principles should conform to the following regulation
1. The general lighting is adopted when the local lighting is not suitable for installation or it is unreasonable to adopt mixed lighting.
2. It can adopt localized general lighting when a certain working section needs the illumination higher than the general lighting.
3. It is suitable for adopting mixed lighting in the location which has higher illumination requirement, small working position density and the separate installation of general lighting is unreasonable.
4. Other lighting will be installed in one working location except local lighting installation.
GB13271-2001 锅炉大气污染物排放标准 英文版

1. Scope
This Standard specifies the supreme permissible effluent concentration of flue dust, SO2 and nitrogen oxides as well as the emission limits of flue gas blackness by age limits.
This Standard applies the supervision and management of the air pollutant emission by coal-burning, oil-burning and gas-fired boilers with different kinds of capacities and uses, except coal-powder-burning generation boilers and the generation boilers whose output per set is greater than 45.5MW (65t/h) and applies the environmental impact assessment, design, final acceptance and after-construction effluent management of construction projects.
For boilers adopting such fuels as bagasse, saw dust, rice hull and bark, the supreme permissible effluent concentration refers to the supreme permissible effluent concentration of air pollutants emitted by coal-burning boilers under this Standard.
2. Applied Standards
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this National Standard.
GB 3095–1996 - Ambient air quality standard
GB 5468–91 - Measurement method of smoke and dust emission from boilers
GB/T 16157-1996 - The determination of particulates and sampling methods of gaseous pollutants from exhaust gas of stationary source
3. Definition
DZT 0205-2002 岩金矿地质勘查规范 英文版

Preface 4
1. Scope 5
2. Normative Standards Quoted 5
3. Objectives and Tasks 5
3.1 Objectives 5
3.2 Tasks 6
4. Research Degree 7
4.1 Geologic Research 7
4.2 Quality Research on Ores 9
4.3 Research on Technical Specifications of Ore Processing Beneficiation (Metalluargy) 11
4.4 Research on Technical Conditions of Ore Mining 11
4.5 Comprehensive Exploration and Overall Appraisal 14
5. Exploration Work and Quality Requirements 15
5.1 Measurement 15
5.2 Geologic Mapping 15
5.3 Hydrological Geology, Engineering Geology, Environmental Geology Work 16
5.4 Geophysical Prospecting, Geochemical Exploration Work 16
5.5 Prospecting Work 17
5.6 Sampling, Processing and Testing of Chemical Analysis Specimen 17
5.7 Acquisition of Ore Processing Beneficiation (metalluargy) Test Samples 20
5.8 Collection of Samples for Rock and Ore Physical and Technical Performances and Test Requirements 20
5.9 Original Documentation, Comprehensive Arrangement and Report Writing 21
5.10 Application of Computer Exploration Information Processing Technology 21
6. Control Degree 22
6.1 Division of Exploration Types of Mineral Deposits 22
6.2 Determination of Exploration Engineering Spacing 23
6.3 Engineering Allocation, Construction Principles and Control Degree 23
7. Feasibility Assessment 25
7.1 Sketch Research 25
7.2 Pre-feasibility Study 25
7.3 Feasibility Study 26
8. Classification and Type of Mineral Resources/reserves 27
8.1 Basis for Classification of Mineral Resources/reserves 27
8.2 Classification of Mineral Resources/reserves 27
8.3 Types of Mineral Resources/reserves 28
9. Estimation of Mineral Resources/reserves9. Estimation of Mineral Resources/reserves 32
9.1 Industrial Indices for Estimation of Mineral Resources/reserves 32
9.2 Key Contents of Industrial Indices 32
9.3 General Principles for Estimation of Mineral Resources/reserves 32
9.4 Estimation of Mineral Resources/reserves 33
9.5 Parameters for Estimation of Mineral Resources/reserves 34
9.6 Reasonable Blocking-out of Mineral Resources/reserves 35
9.7 Classification Result Table of Mineral Resources/reserves 36
Annex A (Normative) Classification for Resources /Reserves of Solid Fuels and Mineral Commodities 37
Annex B (Informative) Division Standard of the Scale of Hard-rock Gold Deposits 38
Annex C (Informative) Relevant Parameters for Exploration Types of Mineral Deposits 39
Annex D (Informative) Exploration Engineering Spacing 41
Annex E (Informative) Referential Industrial Indices of Hard-rock Gold and Its Associated Components 42
Annex F (Informative) Hard-rock Gold Minerals 44
Specifications for Hard-rock Gold Exploration
1. Scope
This standard has stated the objectives and tasks, research degree, quality requirements, control degree, feasibility assessment, classification and type of mineral resources/reserves, estimate of mineral resources/reserves.
This standard is applicable to the hard-rock gold mine geologic exploration, the basic construction production mineral exploration in the mine exploration, the examination and approval of the hard-rock gold mine exploration (abandoned-pit) geologic reports.
It has also provides bases for the appraisal and estimation of the hard-rock gold mine resources/reserves during the mining right transfer, stock listing, financing and fund-raising.
2. Normative Standards Quoted
Clauses in the following documents have been quoted by this standard and become clauses of this standard. For documents marked with time, their amendments (amendments to errors excluded) or revise versions are inapplicable. But, it is encouraged that parties that have reached on an agreement can discuss whether the latest edition of these documents can be adopted. For documents without date, their latest editions are applicable to this standard.
GB/T13908-2002 General Requirements for Solid Mineral Exploration
GB/T17766-1999 Classification for Resources /Reserves of Solid Fuels and Mineral Commodities
GB/T 0033-2002 Specifications for Compilation of Geological Report of Solid-mineral Exploration/Mine-closing
3. Objectives and Tasks
DL-T 5029-94 火力发电厂建筑装修设计标准 英文版

1 Scope 4
2 Normative references 4
4 Symbols and Terms 5
4.1 Symbols 5
4.2 Terms 6
5 General measuring meters 7
5.1 General requirement 7
5.2 Current measure 8
5.3 Voltage measure and insulation monitor 9
5.4 Power measure 10
5.5 Frequency measure 11
5.6 Synchronized juxtaposition measure 11
5.7 The public electric measure of the whole plant (station) 11
5.8 Measure of static compensation device 12
5.9 The monitor of harmonics in public power grid 12
6 Energy metering 13
6.1 General requirement 13
6.2 Measure of active and reactive energy 15
7 Electrical measurement in DC converter station 15
7.1 General requirement 15
7.2 DC parameter monitor 16
7.3 AC parameter monitor 16
7.4 Harmonic parameter monitor 17
7.5 Electric parameter record 17
7.6 Energy metering 17
8 The measure of computer monitor (control) system 17
8.1 General requirement 17
8.2 The data collection of computer monitor (control) system 18
8.3 General measuring meter in computer monitor 18
8.4 General measuring meter in computer control 18
9 Transducer of electrical measurement 18
10 Measure-service current, voltage mutual-inductors 19
10.1 Current mutual-inductor 19
10.2 Voltage mutual-inductor 19
11 Measurement secondary connection 20
11.1 AC current circuit 20
11.2 AC voltage circuit 20
11.3 Secondary measurement circuit 21
12 The installation conditions of instrumentation device 22
Appendix A 23
Appendix B 24
Appendix C 25
Appendix D 26
Appendix E 28
E.1The symbols and explanations of Table-service 28
E.2 The measurement table of electrical measurement and energy metering (see table E.2.1~Table E.2.16) 29
Table E.2.1 The measurement table of generator excitation system in thermal power plant 29
Table E.2.2 The measurement table of generator and generator one transformer unit in thermal power plant 30
Table E.2.3 The measurement table of generator excitation system in hydropower plant 31
Table E.2.4 The measurement table of generator and generator one transformer unit in hydropower plant 31
Table E.2.5 The measurement table of double and three column transformer group in generator group 33
Table E.2.6 The measurement table of double and three column transformer group in substation 33
Table E.2.7 The measurement table of wire in generator and substation 34
Table E.2.8 The measurement table of bus-bar device wire in generator and substation 35
Table E.2.9 The measurement table of reactive compensation DEVICE in substation 36
Table E.2.10 The measurement table of DC parts in DC converter station 37
Table E.2.11 The measurement table of plant-used high/ low-voltage power supply in thermal power plant 38
Table E.2.12 The measurement table of plant-used high/ low-voltage power supply in hydropower plant 39
Table E.2.13 The measurement table of plant-used high / low voltage electromotor in thermal power plant 40
Table E.2.1.14 The measurement table of station-used power and electromotor in substation 41
Table E.2.15 The measurement table of DC power supply and electromotor in power plant and substation 42
Table E.2.16 The measurement table of public-service in power plant and substation 43
1.0.1 This code specifies the fundamentals, contents and requirements of electrical measurement and energy metering device design in power plants and transformer substations, excluding the test instrument design in the electric laboratories.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to those steam-turbine/gas-turbine thermal power plants whose unit capacity is equal to or larger than 50MW, those hydropower plants whose unit capacity is equal to or larger than 10MW, those pumped-storage power plants whose unit capacity is equal to or larger than 10MW, those transformer substations whose rated AC voltage ranges from 35KV to 500KV, and those DC converter stations whose rated DC voltage ranges from 100KV to 500KV, either newly-built or extended.
The newly-built and extended power plants, transformer substations and DC converter stations that disaccord with the aforesaid provisions may take this code as reference.
1.0.3 This code just specifies the collection scope for the electrical measurement and energy metering data of computer monitor (control) system, as well as the configuration of general measuring meters. The setting and functions of the computer monitor (control) system, remote measurement and metering system in the power plants and substations shall be compliant with the relevant requirements and codes.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
GB J63-1990 Specifications for the Design of Electric Measuring Instrument Systemizes
GB 1207 - 1997 Voltage Mutual-inductor
GB 1208-1997 Current Mutual-inductor
GB 3102.5 - 1993 Quantity and Unit
GB/T13850 -1998 Electrical Measurement Transducers for Converting AC Electrical Quantities to Analogue or Digital Signals
1993. GB/T 14549-1993 Public Service Network Harmonics of Energy Quality
DL/T 448-2000 Administrative Code of Electric Energy Metering
DL 5014-1992 Design Code of Reactive Compensation Device Design in Transformer Substation (330~500) kV
DL/T5065-1996 Design Code for Computer Monitor/Control System of Hydropower Plants
DL/T5136-2001 Technical Code of Designing of Electrical Secondary Wiring in Fossil Fuel Power Plants and Substations
SDGJ17-1988 Technical Specifications on the Thermal Power Plant Station
Regulations of Power Supply Business -- Announcement of No.8 issued by the Ministry of Power Industry of the People's Republic of China.
3. General provisions
DLT 5366-2006 火力发电厂汽水管道应力计算技术规程 英文版

This standard specified the basic technical requirements for stress calculation of steam/water pipes in the thermal power plant.
This standard is applicable to the stress calculation of steam/water Pipes in the thermal power plants which are being newly built, undergoing expansion or being rebuilt as well as in the thermal plants which take the low carbon steels, low alloy steels and high chrome steels as their piping materials.
The stress calculation of the oil/gas media pipes and the non-nuclear pipes of the nuclear power station can refer to this standard.
2 Normative Quoted Documents
The clauses in the following documents become parts of this standard by quotation of it. For those quoted documents with dates, all their subsequent modifications (not including the errata contents) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties having reached an agreement on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest revisions of these documents are applicable or not. But for those quoted documents without dates, the latest revisions are applicable to this standard.
DL/T 5054 Technical regulations for steam/water pipes design in the thermal power plant
SY/T 5037 The low pressure fluid transferring pipes using spiral seam to cover up the arc welding steel pipes.
ASME B31.1-2004 Power pipes
3 General Rules
DLT 5222-2005 导体和电器选择设计技术规定 英文版

1.0.1 The "Rule" prescribed the basic requirements for power plants and transformer substations newly-built project selecting (3-500) kV conductor and electrical equipment.
1.0.2 The "Rule" is suitable for power plants and transformer substations newly-built project selecting (3-500) kV conductor and electrical equipment. For expanded project and reconstructed project, it can refer to use.
1.0.3 Foreign projects will take the country of supply party or buyer into consideration. The "Rule" is referred to in combination with the physical circumstance of the project.
2. Normative cited document
The involved clauses of the following standard are cited by the "Rule" and formed the clause of the "Rule". For the cited documents with date and all their subsequent amendment list (exclusive of correction content) or revised edition are not suitable for the "Rule". However, whether the latest edition of these documents can be used or not, which depends on the parties who agreed on this. For the cited documents without date, its latest edition is suitable for the "Rule".
GB 156 Standard voltage ( IEC 60038:1983, neq)
GB 311.1- 1997 Insulation co-ordination for high voltage transmission and distribution equipment (IEC 60071- 1:1993, neq)
GB 2536 Transformer oil conservator (IEC 60296:1982, neq)
GB 7674 Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and above (IEC 60517:1990, eqv)
GB 50217 Code for design of cables of electric works
GB 50227 Code for design of installation of shunt capacitors
DL/T 620 Overvoltage protection and insulation coordination for. AC electrical installations
GB/T 1179-1999 Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors ( IEC 61089:1991, eqv)
GB/T 2900.1 Electrotechnical terminology Fundamental terms (IEC 60050, neq)
GB/T 2900.15 Electrotechnical terminology--Transformer, instrument transformer, voltage regulator and reactor (IEC 60050 (421):1990, neq)
GB/T 2900.19 Electrotechnical terminology. High-voltage test technique and insulation co-ordination (IEC 60060 - 1, neq)
GB/T 2900.20 Electrotechnical terminology High-voltage switchgear [IEC 60050 (IEV), neq]
DL/T 5153 Technical rule for designing auxiliary power system of fossil fuel power plants
DL/T 5136 Technical Code for Designing of Electrical Secondary Wiring in Fossil Fuel Power Plants and Substations
GB/T 6451 Specification and technical requirements for three phase oil immersed power transformers
GB/T 8905 The guide for processing and measuring SF6 gas in power apparatus (IEC 60480:1974, neq)
GB/T 10228 Specification and technical requirements for dry-type power transformers
GB/T 11023 Test guide of SF6 gas tightness for high-voltage switchgear
GB/T 14549 Quality of electric energy supply. Harmonics in public supply network
GB/T 15544 Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase AC systems (IEC 60909:1988, eqv)
GB/T 16274 Specification and technical requirements for oil immersed power transformers 500kV
GB/T 16434- 1996 Environmental pollution classification and external insulation selection for high voltage transmission line, power plant and substation
DLT 5203-2005 火力发电厂煤和制粉系统防爆设计技术规程 英文版

DLT 5203-2005 火力发电厂煤和制粉系统防爆设计技术规程 英文版
1 Scope
This standard specifies basic requirements of explosion prevention design for coal conveying, storage and pulverized coal preparation of coal-fired power plant, as well as such design for relevant flue, air duct and dust ignition.
This standard is applicable to coal and pulverized coal preparation system of coal-fired power plant, as well as explosion and ignition of pulverized coal cloud in enclosure (such as raw coal bunker, pulverized coal bin, coarse and fine pulverized coal separator as well as cylindrical silo etc.). For coal-fired power plant using multi-fuel ignition of coal and fuel oil or that of coal and fuel gas, it shall comply with this standard for contents related to coal.
This standard is not applicable to enclosure that produces extremely large internal pressure due to external flame or being exposed to other ignition source. If there are explosion prevention requirements of boiler furnace and boiler ignition system, it is not applicable to detonation and unconditional explosion and ignition.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding corrections), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
ü GB/T 16426 Determination for Maximum Explosion Pressure and Maximum Rate of Pressure Rise of Dust Cloud
ü GB 50058 Electrical installations design code for explosive atmospheres and fire hazard
ü DL/T 435-2004 Code for the Prevention of Pulverized Coal Firing Furnace Explosions in Power Plant Boilers
ü DL/T 466-2004 Guide for Type Selection for Pulverizers and Pulverizing Systems of Power Station
ü DL 5000 Technical Code for Designing Fossil Fuel Power Plants
ü DL/T 5035-2004 Technical Code for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design of Fossil Fuel Power Plant
ü DL/T 5121-2000 Technical Code for Design of Thermal Power Plant Air & Flue Gas Ducts/ Raw Coal & Pulverized Coal Piping
ü DL/T 5145-2002 Technical Code for Design and Calculation of Pulverized Coal Preparation System of Fossil-fired Power Plant
DLT 5182-2004 火力发电厂热工自动化就地设备安装、管路及电缆设计技术规定 英文版

DLT 5182-2004 火力发电厂热工自动化就地设备安装、管路及电缆设计技术规定 英文版
1 Scope
The standard specifies the design requirements of on-site equipment installation, pipeline and/or cable of heat engineering automation of thermal power plant.
This standard is applicable to on-site equipment installation and design of pipeline and cables of newly built or extended condensing power plants whose unit capacity is 125MW - 600MW and HTHP (high-temperature and high pressure) CHP (combined heat and power) plants.
Design of the installation of the reconstruction projects of the aforesaid power plant units can refer to this standard.
Foreign-oriented projects shall consider the conditions and applicable standards of the country where the Supplier or Purchaser is located, and this standard also can be referred to.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain regulations, which, through reference in this text, constitute regulations of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions (excluding corrections) of, any of these publications do not apply. However, it is recommended parties reaching agreement according to this standard carry out a study on if the most updated version of these documents may be applied or not . For undated reference, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB /T 2624 Measurement of fluid flow by means of orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi pipes inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full (eqv ISO 5167/1-1991)
GB 3836 .1 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 1: General requirements (eqv IEC 60079 -0:1998)
GB 8624 -1997 Classification on burning behavior for building materials of China
GB /T 8625 Test method of difficult- flammability for building materials (eqv DIN 4102/1)
GB IT 12666.1 Test method on electric wires or cables under fire conditions - Part 1: General principles
GB /T 12666.3 Test method on electric wires or cables under fire conditions - Part 3: Test on a single horizontal insulated wires or cables under fire conditions
GB /P 12666.4 Test method on electric wires or cables under fire conditions - Part 4: Test on a single slanting insulated wires or cables under fire conditions
GB /T 12666.6 Test method on electric wires or cables under fire conditions - Part 6: Test on fire-resisting characteristics of wires and cables
GA 161 Performance requirements and test methods for fire-proof sealing materials
GA 181 General technical regulations for fire resistive coating of cable